Now that I have brought to light the many holes in the opposition’s case, I would like to move on to our case. My partner presented to you our first two contentions: a, that the legalization of marijuana would shift control of the drug trade into the governments hands, providing a far safer environment, and b, that far worse drugs are currently legal in Canada. I will provide our third and fourth contentions. But first, I would like to review side proposition’s plan.
Our plan consists of three specific actions that must be taken for the legalization of marijuana. Firstly, we wish to put the trade of the drug in the government’s hands, rather than the hands of dangerous criminals and gangs. We suggest that the drug be marketed as a product, similar to cigarettes and alcohol, sold to those over 18. Next, with the legalization of the drug, we plan on developing further medical research, to fully understand the beneficial uses. In the status quo, it is difficult to experiment with the drug, as it is illegal. With our plan, medical research will be smooth and unhindered by laws. The final component of our plan is to have the public made aware of the effects of cannabis. Before marketing the drug, it will be tested and its effects and limitations made 100% clear. Citizens will be warned of these effects and limitations. We believe our plan will provide safe access to the drug, along with awareness of its many uses.
I will now move