Quadriceps (Quads) - These are the muscles in front of your thigh. Squats, leg presses, leg extensions and lunges are all effective weight training for the quads.
Hamstrings (Hams) - These are the muscles on the back of the thigh. Great weight lifting exercises include deadlifts, straight leg deadlifts and leg curls.
Calves - The calf muscles are on the back of the lower leg. Seated and standing calf raises are really the only ways to effectively train these muscles.
Hips - Hip adductors, abductors and flexors are smaller muscles used to push the legs from and pull them to the body. Sufficient work for the hip muscles can come from the compound weight lifting exercises for the leg as well as abdominal work.
|SQUAT: Description: Standing, position barbell on back of shoulders, descend until thighs are parallel to floor then raise until|
|legs are straight. |
|Tips: Keep weight on shoulders (not neck), look straight ahead, arch back slightly inwards, feet shoulder width apart, use a |
|belt for heavier weights. Form is critical, get it right with light weights before going to heavy. |
|Variations: A full squat (going down close to ankles) is not necessary for bulking due to knee stress but can be good for power |
|for sports performance. Hack squats (barbell held at arm's length under butt) can be a change of pace. Can be done with |
|dumbbells held to the side. |
|Weight/Muscle Gain Importance: Squatting should be a focus of your weight training, it is the single most important bodybuilding|
|exercise in your program.