The ongoing debate on gay and lesbian marriage continues to become one of the most controversial topics in the world today. Clearly, we as a nation are undecided on this issue. Thirty six states have passed legislation banning gay marriages and other states are also in debate whether or not to allow these couples to marry. Unfortunately, the dispute has left the United States homosexual community in an awkward position. There are some people who think that gay people have no rights and should never be allowed to marry. Other people believe that gay people are just like anyone else and should enjoy the same rights and privileges as heterosexuals do. This country stands for freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To deny couples of a different sex orientation is a sign of the United States reverting back to times when segregation was acceptable. The United States should allow these couples to marry just like any other couple and carry out their lives like everyone else. Gay people are not criminals or should be treated like one. It is unbelievable to think that gay marriage is not recognized in the majority of the United States. To have anti gay marriage laws and not identify it with discrimination is a crime within itself. This country builds a reputation as being one of the most diverse places in the world. If this is true, how come two people of the same sex can not be free, happy, and legally bonded to each other in a country that is supposed to be so accepting of diversity. The decision should be made by the couple and not through the state. Freedom is a special privilege that Americans all have the right to have and to strip gays with their freedom is unjust. Every person is looking for that special someone and to fall in love with somebody. This is a natural process to humans because we have emotions and are all seeking out for love so there should not be any reason to think differently with gays. Gay couples deserve
The ongoing debate on gay and lesbian marriage continues to become one of the most controversial topics in the world today. Clearly, we as a nation are undecided on this issue. Thirty six states have passed legislation banning gay marriages and other states are also in debate whether or not to allow these couples to marry. Unfortunately, the dispute has left the United States homosexual community in an awkward position. There are some people who think that gay people have no rights and should never be allowed to marry. Other people believe that gay people are just like anyone else and should enjoy the same rights and privileges as heterosexuals do. This country stands for freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To deny couples of a different sex orientation is a sign of the United States reverting back to times when segregation was acceptable. The United States should allow these couples to marry just like any other couple and carry out their lives like everyone else. Gay people are not criminals or should be treated like one. It is unbelievable to think that gay marriage is not recognized in the majority of the United States. To have anti gay marriage laws and not identify it with discrimination is a crime within itself. This country builds a reputation as being one of the most diverse places in the world. If this is true, how come two people of the same sex can not be free, happy, and legally bonded to each other in a country that is supposed to be so accepting of diversity. The decision should be made by the couple and not through the state. Freedom is a special privilege that Americans all have the right to have and to strip gays with their freedom is unjust. Every person is looking for that special someone and to fall in love with somebody. This is a natural process to humans because we have emotions and are all seeking out for love so there should not be any reason to think differently with gays. Gay couples deserve