
Lesoco Equality And Diversity

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Student Satisfaction – Equality and Diversity within the College
(Lesoco) - Lewisham Way

Chloe Reilly-Mason
Student number: 31027124
Word Count: 1598

This report was conducted with support from students within Lesoco – Lewisham way. Their cooperation is both acknowledged and appreciated. Without them this report would not have been possible. Any conclusions, diagrams, or findings were based on analysis of results gained from student participation.
Lesoco – Lewisham Way Students.

Guided statement

This report sets out to establish levels of satisfaction amongst students with the college response to equality and diversity needs. This report responds to the educational purpose of report writing and
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Under the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, this is a basic human right. By law (in England and wales) the local authority is obliged to ensure that free education is available for 16-18 year olds and young people aged 16-19 (Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2014).
Lewisham College caters for people from 14-40+. This report examines the levels of satisfaction with the college response, to equality and diversity.
This report specifically looks at age, in regard to equality and diversity and therefore does not seek to determine other aspects of equality and diversity within the college -although other concerns did arise.


In order to gather information in a standardised, objective manor, questionnaires consisting of both open and closed questions were produced then handed out at random, to students within the college as a means to gather information.
A total of 25 questionnaires were distributed, however, only 21 were returned for data analysis for this report. The questionnaires were handed out in both the library and foyer of the Breakspears building. Students were expected to fill out their questionnaires and hand them back in to the distributer once finished, however 4 students failed to hand theirs back
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Although the main purpose of this report was to look at age related equality and diversity, it was acknowledged that problems regarding communication mostly occurred in the LRC and one student noticed that there were no Diwali books in the LRC which suggests the college could do more to ensure they cater for festivals of all religions.
From the results this report enables us to see that commonly people of various ages feel that the college responds well to equality and diversity needs. More than 50% of participants completing the questionnaire agreed that they had never experienced unfavourable treatment in relation to their age within the college. Though, students that did feel as if they had been subject to mistreatment in regard to their age felt that the situation was not dealt with effectively and lack of professionalism was noticed by more than one learner.
This report suggests that overall people are satisfied within the general college approach to equality and diversity. Students feel that the college does a job greater than at a satisfactory level to promote equality and diversity within the college

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