
Less Is More Meaningful By Henry David Thoreau

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Less Is More Meaningful By Henry David Thoreau
Less is More Meaningful
Throughout life some people have created a mindset where having the latest and best gadgets, clothes, and shoes illustrates how popular they. Many may think that their favored because they own such items, but in actuality it only creates problems for them. Living a lifestyle where people only possesses what they need to survive is known as minimalism. In Thoreau’s lifetime he believed in the need for minimalism, and that need is still relevant in today's society.

Thoreau’s view of minimalism are essential because people should realize that unnecessary hoarding can cause confusion to humans. Without minimalism installed in a person's life, people can distract themselves from their purpose in life such as goals and responsibilities.
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Humans do not have to sacrifice their time because money is being spent for unreasonable items, such as expensive cars and technology. Also, it takes time to earn money especially if the item is expensive. People will allow themselves to have more time to focus on bettering themselves in the long run and not worry about temporary items. Normally, people think if they have the latest technology and items, they are cool, but people should realize that their need is more important than their want. Huamns need to go against the norm to improve their lives and not make them worse. People waste time because it takes time to accumulate unnecessary items that are not needs to survive. People who work too hard “perhaps get some money to hoard, and leave for [their] heirs to spend foolishly” (Thoreau 76). Having spent so much time making money just to spend it on unimportant items only allows people to be irresponsible with money and eventually create debt for …show more content…
Developing a lifestyle such as this one actually helps declutter people's lives. Not having many things to worry about such as, having an organized life usually creates a sense of relief. People are not only creating relief for themselves, but also obtaining the knowledge that they are not hoarding clothes by allowing the clothes to be given away to someone in need of them. When a person's life is decluttered so is their personal belongings. Once the inessential items are gone it creates space to live. Achieving this lifestyle leaves a good feeling inside of people knowing they have the ability to organize their life. People should know that “[m]inimalism isn't just good practical sense, it’s also good for the soul. Anyone who has dropped off a load at Goodwill knows the relief that comes with living with less” (Shellnut 27). Not only donating unused items help others it also helps oneself to learn that there is huge burden lifted off of them when they

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