Processes on E‑Learning Outcomes in
Organizational Settings
Zeying Wan, Deborah Compeau, and Nicole Haggerty
Zeying Wan is an assistant professor at the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s
University. She received her Ph.D. from the Richard Ivey Business School at the
University of Western Ontario. Her current research interests include e‑learning and knowledge management. Her research has been published in scholarly journals such as Information & Management, Journal of Information Systems Education, and Group
Decision and Negotiation, as well as in various conference proceedings.
Deborah Compeau is a professor of management information systems at the Richard
Ivey School of Business Administration, University of Western Ontario. Her research focuses on the individual user of information and communications technologies, viewed from a social cognitive perspective. In particular, she is interested in understanding what organizations can do to facilitate individual adoption of and learning about information technologies. Her research has been published in Information Systems Research and
MIS Quarterly as well as other journals. Dr. Compeau has served as a member of the editorial boards of MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research.
Nicole Haggerty is an associate professor at the Richard Ivey Business School,
University of Western Ontario. Her research interests center on the intersection of technology and learning/knowledge, including the influence of technical support on individual learning about technology, competency development, and learning and knowledge transfer in computer-mediated settings. Her research has been published in various scholarly journals and conference proceedings, including Information Systems
Journal, Information & Management, Human Resource Management, and Journal of
Organizational and End User Computing.
Abstract: This paper focuses on employees’ e‑learning processes during online job training. A
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