July 13-14 2009, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Izmir
Abdullah Basahel, Researcher, Brunel Business School, Brunel University, UK
Zahir Irani, Information Systems Evaluation and Integration Group (ISEing), Brunel
Business School, Brunel University, UK
Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) literature reviews with a focus on the global dimension are considered in this research. The paper counters the evaluation of SISP techniques through information system (IS) strategic drivers. These techniques can be vital contributors in the IS strategy
(ISS) designing process. Therefore, categorisation of the techniques of ISS planning will be developed.
Keeping in mind the global dimension, the planning team needs to identify how it can cluster an organization’s ISS drivers. This may be achieved by analysing the drivers that can have an effect on IS for the organization, which may support categorisation of drivers against techniques being classified to understand which are needed to fit specific drivers. The contribution of this research is the taxonomy of SISP techniques, with a case study for X international airlines. This classification can benefit evaluation of the ISS planning processes to support decision-makers through the planning process. KEYWORDS: SISP, IS strategic drivers, IS strategic techniques, airlines case study.
The organization looks to obtain the maximum benefit from its resources and reduce the risk as much as possible. It attempts to use all of its resources efficiently, effectively, and competitively. In so doing, there appears be a need to link all of the resources in a way that allows these to be controlled, creatively, flexibly, and educationally. From this point of view, there
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