After downloading this file, type your answers right into the document (using your word processor).
Once you have completed the worksheet, keep a saved copy for yourself and then upload your work to BrainHoney by clicking the “open” button at the bottom of the “reflection worksheet” page for the current lesson. Save and upload this file only as a .doc or .docx document.
This worksheet is due by Saturday evening of the week in which it is assigned.
Grading will be based on completion and quality of responses.
Brief Essay Questions
Answer the following questions about our disciplinary topic and case for this week. With the exception of yes/no, naming, and self-evaluative questions, your answers should reflect the time and thought you have put into studying this topic and should consist of a short paragraph, not just one-to-two-sentence answers.
Type your answers in the box below each question.
Modern History III (1989-98)
1. What would you consider the three most important facts about the history and politics of Pakistan from 1989 to 1998? List them in order of importance and briefly explain why they are important.
1) As I almost always come back to, instability is a big piece of history and politics of Pakistan. There has been little to no faith in the government from the people, except from those that it benefits (which is really a small percentage).
2) Martial law history. This has caused many rifts in the people, and also less faith.
3) Corruption. There have been many leaders that want the people to do things that the people shouldn’t ever want to do. This leads to unrest, unpopularity, and a bad view on the country from others in the world.
2. If you were briefing a State Department worker soon to be assigned to Islamabad about the history and politics of Pakistan from 1989 to 1998, what would you say is the most critical principle for him or her to understand? Why is this principle important?
I would want them to