Walden University
Instructor: Bernice Gregory
Class: The Beginning Reader: PreK- 3
February 16, 2014
In this lesson, I focused on Jace, the second grader. I was able to hold a small group lesson in her classroom so that I could be able to assess her literacy ability first hand when it comes to critical and response perspectives. I learned of the idea of a tea party from Tompkins and decided I wanted to create a lesson that would involve this great activity (Tompkins, p. 272). The intent of the tea party was to use the critical perspective as well as the response perspective (Laureate Education, 2010). In this lesson the learners will be able to better understand the text and it should play a role in the learners’ lives in a meaningful way. The use of metacognitive strategies helps the students to think about “thinking” all through the reading process. This lesson demonstrates ways to implement the these perspective (Laureate Education, 2010).
Date: February 11, 2014
Age/Grade Range; Developmental Level(s): 7-8 yr / 2nd / early reader
Anticipated Lesson Duration: 25 minutes
Lesson Foundations
Pre-assessment (including cognitive and noncognitive measures): I used previous assessments of the three students to select the text that would gain their interest the most. The assessment in which I used to gage my lesson was the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) which is a formal assessment that helps to determine independent reading levels (Tompkins, 2010). I also performed another assessment on the students recently that I used help to determine interest in reading. This assessment was called the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey (McKenna, 1990). Curricular Focus, Theme, or Subject Area: Reading/ Language Arts
State/District Standards:
• The learner will read and understand a
References: Hoffman, M. (1991). Amazing Grace. Dial Publishing Company, LLC. New York Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Interactive Perspectives. [Video webcast]. Retrieved from http://www.courseurl.com Pang, K. (2010). Creating stimulating learning and thinking using new models of activity-based learning and metacognitive-based activities. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 7(4), 29-38. Retrieved from Education Research Complete database. Tompkins, G.E. (2010). Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach (5th ed.) Boston: Ally &Bacon