Grade 1
I. Objectives At the end of 30-minute period, the pupils should be able to: 1. identify compound words; 2. give compound words.
II. Subject Matter A. Topic: Compound Words B. Concept: Compound words are two or more words combined to make a new word. C. Materials: flash cards, pictures D. Reference: ❖ Heilman, Arthur W. A Proper Perspective of Phonics. pp.122-127
III. Learning Activities
|Teacher’s Activity |Pupil’s Activity |
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|Introductory Activity | |
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|Good morning children? |Good morning teacher! |
|What do you usually do every morning? |I brush my teeth. |
| |I eat breakfast. |
| |I comb my hair. |
|I would like to tell you what happened to me this morning. | |
|I woke up early at 7 in the morning.