Unit: Date:
Content Area: Grade:
Common Core Learning Standard(s):
Content Area Standard(s):
Enduring Understanding
Students will understand that…
What are the big ideas for this unit of study?
What specific understandings about these big ideas are desired?
What do your students already know about this topic?
How will this lesson build upon what students already know?
Essential Questions
Overarching questions of the unit
How will your lesson connect to essential questions you have established for the unit?
How do your essential questions lead to inquiry about the content?
Learning Objectives student outcomes; 1c, 3a
What will students learn? How does this learning align to the CCLS? How will this learning be relevant?
What language objective will your lesson include? How does the language objective support access to the content?
What level of Webb’s DOK and Bloom’s Taxonomy are implied in the learning objective?
Students will learn _________________________
by doing _________________________________
so that __________________________________
Assessment evidence of student learning; 1e, 1f, 3d aligned to D.O.K.:
How will questions serve as both assessments to guide teacher instruction and prompts to stimulate a deeper understanding of the topic by the students?
What criteria are you using to assess your students’ progress towards the learning goal? (CCLS rubric, checklist, running record, etc.)
What tools will be available for students to self-assess their learning?
☐ Level 1 (recall)
☐ Level 2 (Skill/Concept)
☐ Level 3 (Strategic Thinking)
☐ Level 4 (Extended Thinking)
☐ Level 1 (recall)
☐ Level 2 (Skill/Concept)
☐ Level 3 (Strategic Thinking)
☐ Level 4 (Extended Thinking)