Date: 23rd October 2014
Class: Year 4 Yakin
No. of students: /17
Focus: Writing and Reading.
Theme: World of Stories
Topic: Harmony in the Jungle
Time: 60 Minutes
Vocabulary – Holiday, Family, Restaurant, Home, Outing, Drive, Wild, Animals
Content Standard:
By The End Of The 6-Year Primary Schooling, Pupil Will Be Able To:
1.1 Pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation
3.3 Write and present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language form, and style
Learning Standard:
1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.
3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance:
(b) Linear
Learning Objectives:
1. Complete the writing exercise correctly.
Teaching Resources: Workbook.
Moral Values: Hardworking
Thinking Skills: Identify, Match, Classify
Phase / Time
Teacher’s role
Pupils’ role
Learning standard
1. Preparation Phase
1,1 Observation
1. Teacher greets the students.
2. Teacher recaps Adverb of Time lesson.
1. Students greet teacher and the last lesson with teacher.
1.2 Analysis
1. Teacher talks to student about their holiday.
2. Teacher asks students about what they did during the holiday.
1. Students talks to teacher about their holiday.
1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.
2. Imagination Phase
2.1 Creating Idea
1. Teacher makes a list of words based on the holiday.
2. Teacher gets students to spell the words.
1. Students make a list of words with teacher help.
2. Students spell the words written on the board.
2.2 Synthesizing Idea
1. Teacher explains to students the meaning of the words.
2. Teacher helps students to make simple sentences for the words.
1. Students listen to teacher’s explanations about the words.
2. Students make simple sentences with teacher’s help.
3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance:
(b) Linear
3.Development Phase
3.1 Adoption and Adaptation
1. Teacher