Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms including memory loss, confusion , mood changes, and difficulty with day-to -day task. There are many causes of dementia wit Alzhaimer`s the most common.…
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The term dementia is used to describe an illness that affects the memory. Patients can suffer from forgetfulness, loss of memory and the inability to remember new information. As well as being unable to speak and be understood by others and be unable to carry out general tasks. Patients can also suffer from mood changes and all reasoning. Verbal communication can also become difficult, as a person with dementia may frequently forget simple words or substitute inappropriate words in their place. This all can have an effect on the daily routines and people can become unable to look after themselves properly and manage their own personal care.…
Dementia is a term that describes a serious deterioration in mental function. There are many different causes of dementia. The following are a range of causes of dementia:…
The term dementia describes a set of symptoms which include loss of memory, mood changes and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by numerous certain diseases. Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will gradually get worse. How fast dementia progresses will depend on the individual person and what type of dementia they have. Each person is unique and will experience dementia in their own way.…
1. Dementia is not an illness or disease in itself , but is a broad term which describes a range of signs and symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by certain disease and conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia.…
Dementia is the term used to describe a general decline in all areas of mental ability. The symptoms involve worsening in cognitive processes memory, language, thinking and so on. With important repercussions on behavior. About 50 per cent of people with dementia are suffering from Alzheimer 's disease, about 20 percent from vascular dementia caused by blockages in the supply of blood to the brain, and about 20 percent from lower body dementia characterized by tiny spherical deposits in the brain.…
1.2 Dementia is a condition of the brain which causes a gradual loss of mental ability, including problems with memory, understanding, judgement, thinking and language. In addition, other problems commonly develop, such as changes in personality and changes in the way a person interacts with others in social situations. As dementia progresses, a person's ability to look after themselves from day to day may also become affected. There are various causes of dementia. Some memory loss as we age is normal, but the kind of memory loss associated with dementia is more severe…
Dementia is a term used to describe a collection of signs and symptoms that happen to the brain when it is affected by the progression of certain diseases such as vascular dementia (when brain cells die due to lack of oxygen) and Alzheimer’s disease (a specific brain disease). Some of the affects these diseases have are on a person’s memory, language and communication abilities, behaviour and ability to make rational judgements.…
1.1 Dementia are the signs and symptoms caused as a result of specific diseases such as Alzheimer’s or a stroke that involve the damaging of brain cells; as the brain cells die the person with a dementia will lose their ability to carry out their every day tasks such as personal care and interaction with other people as different parts of the brain are damaged. Dementia affects both older and younger people and the decline in the person will get worse as more brain cells are damaged or die.…
Unit 16 Understand Safeguarding of Children & Young People (for those working in the adult sector) and Unit 14 Safeguarding and Protection of Vulnerable Adults Assignment…
S (Social) – Jez is very good at socialising with his students and gets along easier with other staff members around the school, he seems to have met his social needs and needs nothing to improve on.…
1.1 Understanding Dementia and Necessity to Provide Care. Dementia is a progressive disorder of a mental condition in which a person loses its ability to think appropriately, to make decisions. Patients of this disorder suffer from chronic confusion. They tend to forget the things very easily. The condition usually get worsen with the passage of time due to the destructions of the brain cells.…
In this report I am going to outline The Mental Health Act alongside this, the procedures and codes of practise and how both of these aim to promote diversity and assessing the effectiveness of these measures in place.…
Person centred approach e.g. recognise individuality, enabling choice, looking at the person as a united whole…