Personal learning goals and self-competence level indication
Most of time, I focus more on turning ideas and plans into practical actions. Therefore I always lack of flexibility and creativity, and sometimes I act more like followers in the team. Due to my pitfalls, I put forward the following three personal learning goals:
1. Be more pro-active during working process
2. Be more open to the new ideas
3. Be more flexible to changing plans
4. Stop worrying too much
For learning goal 4, according to the levels that I indicated below, I think at this stage I ‘m at level 1. In the end of ACT project, I hope I can be able to reach level 5.
At present, I’d like to indicate the rest of my levels of competence as level 2. I …show more content…
I can find different ways of thinking about many complex issues that emerge from project working process independently. And finally this lead to better decision making, greater personal creativity.
Level 5
Most of time, I can be open to accept different opinions, claims or arguments. Sometimes I can find different ways of thinking about many complex issues that emerge from project working process independently.
Level 4
Most of time, I am open to accept different opinions, claims or arguments. With the help of my teammates and coach, I can find different ways of thinking about many complex issues that emerge from project working process.
Level 3
Most of time, I am open to accept different opinions, claims or arguments. Sometimes I still feel difficulty to find different ways of thinking about many complex issues that emerge from project working process.
Level 2
Sometimes, I am open to accept different opinions, claims or arguments. But I cannot find different ways of thinking about many complex issues that emerge from project working process independently.
Level 1
I am not interested in accepting any new …show more content…
In most cases, I can think quickly to respond to sudden changes in circumstances.
Level 4
With the help of my teammates and coach, I can adapt to changing situations and environments, and I can Plan ahead and have alternative options in case things go wrong. Meanwhile, I can think carefully to respond to sudden changes in circumstances.
Level 3
With the help of my teammates and coach, I can adapt to changing situations and environments, and sometimes I can plan ahead and have alternative options in case things go wrong. But I still struggle to respond to sudden changes in circumstances.
Level 2
With the help of my teammates and coach, sometimes I can adapt to changing situations and environments, and but it is difficult for me to plan ahead and have alternative options in case things go wrong. And I still struggle to respond to sudden changes in circumstances.
Level 1
I don’t want to change my plan and make any improvement.
Learning goal 4: Stop worrying too