Historical sources show that Filipino words began to be borrowed into the English of the American colonizers at a very early stage in the colonial period. Today, the English used in the Philippines has a distinctive localized vocabulary which finds expression in a range of settings, including government, education, and the media as well as the personal domain.
Describing the vocabulary of new Englishes(Lado) In the academic literature on the world Englishes, a number of linguists have focused on the importance of the early contact period in contributing to the distinctiveness of the new Englishes that have been established since the 17th and 18th century. 1. American English
Menken (1919) cites in his The American Language that the earliest Americanisms were probably words borrowed bodily from Indian languages—words indicating natural objects that had no counterparts in England. 2. Australian English
Turner (1994) in The Cambridge History f the English Language Volume V, discuses the distinctiveness of Australian English has its origins in process of dialect leveling that occurred in the first convict settlement. 3. New Zealand English
Bauer (1994) discusses a large number of influences, including Maori, British dialect words, Australianisms, changes of meaning, and New Zealand coinages. 4. Hong Kong English
Its lexicon may be traced back to much earlier varieties of English, notably the Canton ‘Jargon’ ,’Canton English’ or ‘Canton (Guangzhou) and Macao during the era of the tea and opium trade between the mid-18th century and the First Opium War in 1839 (Bolton,2003). 5. Philippine English
The use of English in the Philippines was established and propagated by a small number of US colonial officials.
New lexical items were created through a number of linguistic processes, including: a. Borrowing of words from local languages.
e.g. anting anting, pili tuba