A first of its kind 2012 Gallup poll will help give a clearer picture. Poll results show 3.5% of the U.S. population identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). On a state-by-state basis the distribution of this population doesn’t vary significantly from the national percentage However, states considered to have more liberal views have higher percentages (Washington D.C. 10%, Hawaii 5.1%) where states with more conservative views (North Dakota 1.7%) are identified as having lower percentages. Gallup surveys have also shown the LGBT population to be “disproportionately young, female, and nonwhite” (Gates, G. J., & Newport, F., February 2013) Additionally, those among the LGBT population have less education, lower income, are more likely to be in
a domestic partnership or never married and reside on the east or west coast. (Gates, G. J., & Newport, F., October 2013)
As a vulnerable population the LGBT populace may be slightly more unique than some because the group is a
References: American Community Survey: Questions on the form and why we ask. (2013, May 9). US Department of Commerce United States Census Bureau about. Recognizing barriers. Saving lives. (2009, November 23). American Cancer Society. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.org/healthy/findcancerearly/womenshealth/cancer-facts-for-lesbians-and-bisexual-women Gates, G for Better Understanding. (2011, March 31). - Institute of Medicine. Retrieved from http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2011/The-Health-of-Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-and-Transgender-People.aspx HHS LGBT Issues Coordinating Committee 2012 Report With Men. (2013, May 13). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/racialethnic/bmsm/facts/index.html Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health