Oppression and discrimination has existed and continues to exist in the past, present, and future history of the United States. The mistreatment of particular groups infringe on the idea that all individuals are free and equal. Liberation ideology strives to eliminate external and internal oppression of particular groups in both a formal and informal method in our legal system and society. This ideology believes in the freedom and equality of the individual. Similar to welfare liberalism, strong government interaction is necessary to eliminate oppression in the legal system. In our current bipartisan ideological government system, liberation ideology continues to face oppression and discrimination. Therefore, liberation ideology can only fully thrive and coexist within a welfare liberal democracy with strong government interaction. However, liberation ideology should continue to be embraced, despite our bipartisan government, as a utopian vision to remind members that what is current is not the limit to what can exist to ensure that there is individual freedom for all. The political philosophy of liberalism coincides with the liberation ideology. Liberalism is based upon the individual’s life and liberty. Liberals believe that it is a human right for people to freely do as they wish as long as they do not infringe upon another’s freedom. Liberalism as a political philosophy strives towards an ultimate goal of individual freedom and equal opportunity. Liberation ideology seeks to fully eliminate any racial, sexist, and unethical discrimination. Liberation ideology addresses a particular group that is being oppressed and mistreated. A feature of liberation ideology strives to eliminate any formal limitations of these groups and change the outlook of these groups in society. Ultimately, liberation ideology aims “to identify, criticize, and transform systems and structures of oppression and in so doing to liberate the
Cited: “About Pay Equity and Discrimination.” Institute for Women’s Policy Research: 2010. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Ball and Dagger. Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal. Longman, 2011. Print Stelter, Brian. “Man Charged in Trayvon Martin’s Death.” The New York Times, 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.