Once upon a ghost story a girl named Penelope, who opened the Lidtke Mill but then died the next day. Penelope has been just doing chores around the house like a normal girl then boom there she is dead on the floor not knowing what happen so let's go way back to 1960 where it all happens. It was a wonderful day and something strange happened. The Lidtke Mill has just opened and the “Mom,” who was showing the place around has just disappeared into nowhere. So they had to close down the house until they figured out who did this. They had all the
people stay there and interviewed them one by one. The police Jack and Peter.Jack started off with an old couple that just happen to look like the mom and dad. Jack asks “What are their names” the older said “The Mills”.
“The Mills” said Jack.
“Yes the Mills” said the old couple.
“It was kinda funny because Jack was talking to nothing” said Peter.
“Yes these are the Mills” said Jack.
“Jack there is nothing there” said Peter.
“What are you talking about” said Jack.
“These are the Mills”.
“Ok”said Peter.
The next day they wrapped up interviewing people and went on to find clues. The first clue they found was a footprint in, the house where no one should have been.