Life After Ww2 Research Paper
After World War II life in the US was peaceful. The United States experienced major changes as any Americans had become dissatisfied with their way of life. World War II ended in 1945. Everything began to turn normal after the war. Many soldiers returned home and found good jobs. They stopped producing war equipment and began to produce goods that made life peaceful. Many people wanted better for themselves. People were earning more money than ever. They started leaving the small towns and moving to big cities. They started living a better life also. Before the war living conditions were hard. Families needed lots of help on the farm. That is why in the early ages, parents had lots of children. In conclusion, I think it was a good idea for
the war to occur. After the war things got better and people started living better. People were wealthier than they had ever been. So, in my opinion the World War II was a great cause. Because the American economy was stronger than ever.