Claudette Washington
ENG 125 Introduction to Literature
Instructor: Kristina Stutler
October 11, 2010
Life is Like Literature
Literature is a lot like life, it has meaning to it that expresses the mindset or involvement of the author. Literature is a term used to describe written material. Literature is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, although it mostly refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction ( Literature is also known as a type of art of written works, again it is said to be the imaginative manipulation perspective so that readers can make sense of the world that is both familiar and foreign. Literature brings us in contact with the world through telling stories, dramatization, situations, expressing emotions, and analyzing or advocating ideas (
There are five poets whom chose to write about, they are: Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, William Shakespeare, and lastly Emily Dickinson. These poets are all known and made famous by their writings. Of the five poets, Emily Dickinson was my favorite. They all wrote from the heart and from life’s situations/experiences. When reading the works of these poets, their readings should touch your lives in a way that you can reflect on your own life’s experiences and compare them to their writings. The literature/poetry of these writers are world known and taught in many schools today, the writings of these poets have been copied into school books about literature. The writings of these poets are interesting in many different ways. Some of the writings may reflect on marriage, death, love, etc. All of these things are a part of everyday life, something we all go through at one time or another.
Edgar Allen Poe
References: Diyanni, R., (2007). Introduction to Literature. New York, McGraw-Hill.