Life can be compared to learning how to ride a bike for the very first time. Life is the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally. So you might be asking how is living life compared to learning how to ride a bike, which is inorganic? When learning to ride a bike you will most likely fall as in life but you have to get back up. Likewise, you have to put forth some effort in life like pedaling a bike or you will get nowhere.
First of all, whether it’s living life or when learning to ride a bike, you will need to have good balance. If you don't have any balance as your learning to ride a bike then you will continue to fail. In the same matter, your life needs to be balanced and organized. A balanced life could consist of someone being healthy by eating right and working out; it can also involve being financially stable throughout your entire life. If you are not balanced then your life would be a complete mess. Stress could possibly take over your life so that’s why balance is so important.
Unfortunately, we as humans can't always maintain balance during our lives. Therefore, we will have to face adversity and get up when we fall. When you are a kid and your parents take the training wheels off your bike, you most likely fall over and over again. Just like in life, things may not always go the way you planned. So what are you going to do when things hit rock bottom? Lie down or get back up, hop back on the bike, and try again until you achieve success. Failure is a huge part of life, but it's how you react that separates you from the rest. If you continuously fall off your bike then continue to get back up because you never know what your future has in stored for you. Believe it or not, you could become the next Lance Armstrong.
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