School systems are very important. A person can learn so much just by going to school whether you are home schooled or go to a public or private school. I have only ever attended public schools and have learned everything that I have ever used in my life there. I learned how to work with people and get along with them. I met extraordinary friends when I was young and am still best friends now. I always have enjoyed going to school and developing a one on one learning and teaching environment. Being in a public or private school will give children the understanding of being around other children and working together on projects. While they are in school they learn to work together and start to get the feeling so when they are older and get a job they will know how to work with other people.
Adult education to me is where as an adult a person will continue to learn through life experiences and possibly more schooling. I received my first job when I was 14 years old at McDonald’s. I had to get a work permit and eventually resulted in me working full time ever since then. During the summer I kept the job at