Reading Questions
Reading #1:
Marx, J. (2004). Coming to grips with bone loss. Science, 305, 1420-1422. 1. Why are our bones dynamic? (You need to know both osteoblasts and osteoclasts.)
Our bones are dynamic because they need to be able to recreate themselves in a sense. Such as our skin, the bones need to be able to deteriorate/destroy the old (osteoclast) and to create a new healthier set of bones for our body (osteoblast). Other of which I found out about why our bones our dynamic is because our bone too needs blood in order to facilitate itself otherwise it would be dead! (Source: Friend) 2. How does bisphosphonates work in treating osteoporosis? How does the PTH derivative teriparadite work differently from bisphosphonates? (just the basic principles and there is no need to get into details at the molecular level).
Bisphosphonates “help preserve bone by binding to its surface and inhibiting osteoclast activity” (Vol. 305, Pg. 1420). Again osteoclast help get rid of old skin for example on bones, like our skin for example. The PTH derivative teriparadite works differently from bisphosphonates by decreasing the rate at which fractures occur by as much as 75% “and also increased bone mineral density by roughly 10%” (Vol 305. Pg. 1421). 3. How can estrogen help bones’ health? (just the basic principles)
Estrogen can help bones’ health by keep them strong and health, reducing the amount of fractures that we go through. It also helps the bones’ “absorb calcium because our muscles need calcium to contract those bones with the muscle group” (Friend). 4. Should we entirely count on drugs in dealing with osteoporosis? Why?
No, we should not count on drugs in dealing with osteoporosis because we will tend to forget the little things in the end which truly help us maintain strong and healthy bones, such as lifting weights and eating healthy. Many will use this as an excuse so that they may not have to