The story with animals “contradicts reality”, so believing this story is hard for some like, Mr. Okamoto and Mr. Chiba (380). However, Pi believes it’s just “the selective form of reality” that he’s storytelling (vi). In this story, he’s stuck on a boat for 227 days with a bengal tiger, an orangutan, a hyena, and a zebra. All of which die on that boat, except for the bengal tiger, Richard Parker. Pi and Richard Parker embark on an unbelievable journey, on a lifeboat sailing through the Pacific Ocean. On this journey, they go through hell and Pi lives to tell the tale. As Pi’s questioned by the two japanese men about all of the unbelievable things that he’s encountered, he makes the impossible, possible. When the japanese said that the island was “botanically impossible”; Pi proved them wrong by presenting them with the meerkat bones (372). Pi believes that the art of storytelling is “the twisting of it to bring out its essence”(vi).
Although both stories are supposed to be the same, there were many technicalities that clashed with the first story. However, Pi did anthropomorphized the characters from the second story for his first. As is may seem, the story