Graeme Martin, School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK
Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Glamorgan, 14-17 September 2005
Abstract: Research in motivation for learning (or achievement motivation) has flourished in the past 30 years. Social-cognitive theories dominate the field and have provided many insights but have been criticised for relying on a traditional methodological base, lacking of contextualisation and embeddedness in individual experience. In the current ‘learning age’ sustaining motivation for (often formal/academic) learning across the life span is increasingly expected but understanding persistence for such learning across life is not well understood.
Much of the work in motivation for learning is quantitative, employing questionnaires, brief interviews or experimental manipulations. Longitudinal, qualitative research is sparse though a necessary counterpoint that can provide contextualised and alternative accounts of motivation through time and across culture. In turn insights from such accounts could better inform practical policy. This paper presents a case study applying the lifespan theory of control to an individuals’ learning biography.
Key Words: Biography; Lifelong Learning; Life Span Theory of Control; Motivation
‘Hardly any other research field in the domain of educational psychology has received so much attention in the past few years than motivation and its role in academic learning’ (Krapp, 2003).
Motivation, development and lifelong learning
Motivation is a fundamental process[1] shaping mind and behaviour, sustaining human action and culture, and is therefore essential to understanding the processes of persistence in learning[2]. Motivation is known to be expressed differently at different life ‘stages’ and to evolve over time (for a review see Smith,
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