Do you know how to be happy and powerful ? Laura Esquivel answers it well by represents the answer in her book “ Like Water For Chocolate “. For Tita, who is the main character of the book that everything of the book is around and about her life, that how she struggles about her boyfriend - Pedro marries her sister - Rosaura, worries about life of children of Pedro and Rosaura and John who really loves her. The kitchen she can control of, food like Ox-Tail Soup and Turkey Mole with Almonds and Sesame Seeds that she loves which these three symbols show what it means to be happy and powerful.
The kitchen Tita loved so much represents an important place to Tita. Tita’s domain was the kitchen from the day that Tita’s birth. “From that …show more content…
She remember those positive memories with Nacha in the past when she was young when Tita tastes the ox-tail soup. “ With the first sip, Nacha appeared there at her side, stroking her hair as she ate, as she had done when she was little and was sick, kissing her forehead over and over. There were all the times with Nacha, the childhood games in the kitchen, the trips to the market, the still-warm tortillas, the colored apricot pits, the Christmas rolls, the smells of boiled milk, bread with cream, chocolate atole, cumin, garlic, onion.” (pg. 124) When Tita’s first sip of the ox-tail soup, she remembers positive memories with Nacha when she was young and what happened of those old but happy time. Ox-tail soup that Tita tastes heal her by let she remember those positive memories with Nacha, so Tita can be happy again and heal the hurt of Roberto’s death. Ox-tail soup is the food that can supports Tita. The ox-tail soup supports Tita by heal her from the pain. Tita heal by ox-tail soup that let she remember those positive memories when she was young. “ As always, throughout her life, with a whiff of onion, the tears began. She cried as she didn’t cried since the day she was born. How good it was to have a long talk with Nacha. Just like old times, when Nacha was still alive and they had so often made ox-tail soup together. Chencha and Tita laughed reliving those moments, and they cried remembering