The Dogmatism Scale
Please do not skip any of the statements, and answer each statement to the best of your ability.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Sometimes, Disagree, Strongly Disagree
1.) Once an idea is in my head, I stick with it.
2.) My own personal beliefs seem to be more right than others.
3.) I am open to hear others opinions and let them at least try to change my mind.
4.) I would rather agree with someone, even though I know they are wrong, just because we share a similar opinion.
5.) Nobody should have beliefs or opinions so strong that they are not willing to change them.
6.) I consider someone to be ignorant when they do not share my opinion or belief.
7.) My outlook on life is based on my personal opinions and beliefs.
8.) I believe what evidence backs up, no matter what I believed previously.
9.) Even with evidence against my belief or opinion, I still do not change my mind.
10.) There is no complete set of beliefs that satisfy my way of life.
11.) I am willing to hear both sides before setting my opinion.
12.) When my friends say something is true, and it is against my beliefs, I will change my mind to agree with them.
13.) In a debate, I do not bother to consider the validity of the other side.
14.) I accept that many or at least some of my beliefs and/or opinions may be wrong. 15.) I am constantly changing my opinions or beliefs.
16.) I often disassociate from people who disagree with me.
Attitude Measurement: Likert Scale
17.) I feel I am flexible towards the beliefs or opinions of everyone else.
18.) Eventually my beliefs and opinions will become outdated and I will change them. 19.) My beliefs and opinions will never be changed.
20.) When someone asks me a question, I tell them my opinion, not what is necessarily true.
Items: 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20
o Items: 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18
o Strongly Agree = 5
o • Strongly Agree = 1