Course: CWV-301
Date: 12/8/2013
Instructor: Joshua Hartwell
The Lineage of Sin and Death When sin was introduced into the world, there were many changes that came with it. When man was created, God gave him dominion over every other living creature under the heavens. God promised that man would never go hungry and would pretty much be at peace and harmony, just as long as man followed what God had commanded. In Genesis 3:11, it’s the words that God spoke to Adam once He came to him after eating of the forbidden tree. Before this, Adam and Eve both were naked and carefree with no problems, but once they ate of the forbidden tree; they began to see things differently. God immediately knew that Adam had not followed what was commanded of him and as a result the Fall of Man era was created. The nature of sin is basically not following the commandments and orders given to us by our God. Living outside of Gods will and choosing to make our own choices understanding what the consequences may be for our choices. What I remember most about the introduction of sin was that it was Adam who sinned and not Eve. I remember not being able to understand that because both of them ate of the fruit, so why wouldn’t both of them be guilty of sin? Well my pastor explained it best by saying that God gave the command to Adam to not eat of the forbidden tree and since Adam had dominion and authority over all things, he is the one who sinned. Adam was tempted by what Eve was told by the serpent. The serpent represented evil and influenced Eve to tempt Adam with the fruit, saying that it would make them both like Gods and they will be able to see things like God see’s them. Adam eats the fruit and with that one action, seals the fate of man. When God comes to Adam in the Garden of Eden, he is hiding and trying to cover himself. This is where Genesis 3:11 comes in. I believe that this is a very important part because it uncovers a serious issue that