* Title Page
* Introduction
* External Environmental analysis
* Macro- External Environmental
* Industry Attractiveness
* Competitor Analysis
* Conclusion
Lion Nathan Newzealand breweries are formed by amalgamation of some Australia and Newzealand food and beverages companies. In 1795 James Squire, convicted highway robber and publican, started his business in Australia producing the first breweries and his legacy pass through Lion Nathan’s Malt Shovel Brewery. In 2009 Kirin Holding Company Limited holds 100 percentage ownership of Lion Nathan. Lion Nathan merged with National Foods in late 2007 to form Lion Nathan National Food. Lion Nathan is one of the most recognizable brand in Newzealand and Australia in the field of breweries. Lion Nathan National Food was rebranding to lion which increase the position in the market. Lion employee 7500 people from Newzealand and Australia. The brand name Lion has spread business to different sectors such as beer, spirits, wine, milk, fresh diary foods, juice, cheese and soy beverages. They make major contribution to Newzealand and Australia economy. Lion Nathan head office is situated at Sydney Australia. According to the sustainability report of Lion 2011 they have sales revenue $2,240m. Lion have operations in Australia, Newzealand and United States of America. Lion Company competes with DB breweries, independent breweries ltd and Hawkes Bay Independent breweries etc. "The effectiveness of strategic planning is directly related to the capacity for environmental scanning. Accurate analysis provides the best framework for maximizing opportunities and allocating resources for the anticipated future" (Jain, 1984). For the success of any organisation it must be taken to the environment in which the company performs its activities, by doing this it will point out the opportunities for the company and the threads the company face in different
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