
Liposuction Research Paper

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Liposuction (lipoplasty) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that Dr. John Michael Thomassen, a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in Fort Lauderdale, uses to remove fat from various areas of the body. During a Lipoplasty procedure, Dr. Thomassen sucks out the fat via a stainless steel tube (cannula).

Physical Characteristics Lipoplasty Can Address

Liposuction is frequently used to address excess fat in the thighs (inner and outer), hips, abdomen, neck, back, buttocks and arms. Many women choose to have this procedure at Dr. Thomassen's surgical suite in Fort Lauderdale as it can be used to create the ‘hour glass’ contour women desire.

Medical Conditions Liposuction Can Address

Lipoplasty can address noncancerous (benign)
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Thomassen's surgical suite in Fort Lauderdale, Dr. Thomassen may request that the patient visit his or her general practitioner to have a physical. Furthermore, the patient may need to take specific medications or adjust current medications prior to the Liposuction procedure. Patients who smoke need to stop smoking for at least two weeks prior to their procedure: Smoking inhibits the body’s ability to heal itself. Patients need to avoid taking aspirin, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory medications as these products may increase bleeding.

Suction-Assisted Liposuction (SAL) in Fort Lauderdale – The Procedure

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure; therefore, patients will need to bring a driver with them to the surgical suite on the day their Lipoplasty is to be performed. Additionally, Dr. Thomassen recommends that his patients ask someone they trust to remain with them for at least the first night following their procedure.

1. Anesthesia

Patients receive medications (intravenous sedation or general anesthesia) to ensure they remain comfortable throughout their Lipoplasty procedure.

2. Dr. Thomassen Makes an Incision

To perform Liposuction, Dr. Thomassen needs to make small incisions. These incisions allow him to insert the cannula and loosen the excess fat. The incisions he makes are placed in inconspicuous areas.

3. A Solution of Sterile Liquid is
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Recovering from a Liposuction Procedure in Fort Lauderdale

Patients will receive instructions detailing how they should care for their incisions, if there are medications that they need to take, when they need to return for their follow-up visit, as well as any restrictions they need to follow.

Patients should expect to have some fluid retention and inflammation following their Lipoplasty procedure with Dr. Thomassen in Fort Lauderdale. In addition, they will most likely experience some discomfort for the first few days following their procedure. Recovery can last anywhere from one to six weeks.

Lipoplasty Results

It can take several months for the inflammation to fully dissipate; therefore, the new contours created during the Liposuction procedure may not be completely visible for several months following the procedure.

Significant weight gain may reverse the results attained from a Liposuction; however, as long as patients maintain a healthy lifestyle by controlling their weight, their Lipoplasty results will be

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