Recently, some young or old black group members would call each other N****. One of the reasons why is because maybe they think that they’re very close friends, and the same skin color that it is ok to call them that name. This would sometimes happen by tossing the name around a little bit in jokes, but then when they start to use it towards their friends. The person wouldn’t care since their good friends. If a random person called someone a N*****, and they didn’t know them. Then there would be a problem since they aren’t that close. This word N**** is both sometimes beneficial or harmful. One way that it is beneficial is when friends use it with each other as jokes. Some people who get called this name
by their friends don’t get triggered that much. One way it can be harmful is when a stranger comes up to a person, and calls him that name. The person who was called N**** maybe didn’t take it as a joke because maybe from their side of the family, the word N**** wasn’t funny to call people that or say it as a joke. Some groups may take offense to “outsiders” using the word N****. I think this because sometimes groups don’t think that people are joking, and actually be offended. Especially a person who doesn’t have color could offend others who do because of how the word was used back then. Some effects when people get called N**** outside is that they end up fighting because they took it offensive. Some may do the complete opposite , and ignore them. Overall, group members act differently when people use the word N**** when they’re with their friends. Or outside by themselves.