Consider in what ways foolishness and villainy appears in your six selected poems and in what ways, if any, it may be of interest.
I do agree with the title that poetry, villainy and wrong doing do produce more engaging pieces for the reader because everybody likes to see the villain’s attempts at success but as we see in Percy Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ “nothing beside remains”. We the audience like seeing their efforts at success even though really we know that good will prevail.
In ‘Ozymandias’ we get a strong example that villainy produces interesting content because of the way that Shelley uses his diction and imagery in his crisp sonnet of delicious irony. The first example of engaging material is when we hear of: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone” “that colossal wreck” Shelley uses adjectives of scale and irony to show how Ozymandias’ (Ramesses ii) was an egomaniac and a megalomaniac because he had such a …show more content…
He looked dead; this presents mystery because of the sense of something awful that has happened. Our curiosity is aroused. This is completely opposite to Ozymandias where you know for certain that evil has been done and the details that come with it as well. La belle dame is a “femme fatale” a woman full of trickery and dishonesty who tricked the knight into falling in love with her “Full beauty - a faerys child” the beautiful lady la belle dame. In this ballad we see that in the first three stanzas the pace is very slow and negative but in the last five stanzas the pace changes and the mood turns positive until the end where we see the curse put on the knight by la belle dame and the mood turns from loving and joyful to full of upset and