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The University of Chicago Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Journal of Sociology.
In most of theories therelationship literature society of and reflection, influence, socialcontrol and are implied. Literature interpretedreflecting is as norms values, revealing ethos culture, procand as the of the essesofclassstruggle, certain of and types social "Influence" notstrictly reverse reflection, "facts." is the of sincesocialstability cultural Socialcontrol, and idealsareinvolved. however, articulates withone closely version reflection, of extent complex, in though a limited to dynamic societies.
yearsago, ' at least as old as Plato 's conceptof imitaout pointed fifteen As Mueller in sociologists the UnitedStates have paid tion.4 Systematic application theidea did of and to littleattention literature art; they, not appear,however, untilabout a century pri- and a halfago. The "beginning" have focused socialscientists, likeother might be aspectsofsocial said tobe Madamede Stae 's De la litte 'rature on marily theinstrumental social consideree
Bibliography: n the Sociology of Literaof ture" (University Chicago thesis,1947). 4 The Republic,in The Worksof Plato, trans. B. Jowett(4 vols. in 1; New York: Dial Press, n.d.), II, 378 ff. 5 2 vols.; Paris, 1800. See also De l 'Allemagne (Paris, 1813). 6Max Lerner and Edwin Mims, Jr., "Literature," in Encyclopediaof theSocial Sciences (New York: Macmillan Co., 1933), IX, 538-39. 7 Floyd N. House, The Development Sociology of (New York: McGraw-HillBook Co., 1936). See also studiesofnationalcharacter, surveyed by Otto Klineberg,TensionsAffecting International Understanding (New York: Social Science Research Council, 1950), pp. 49-58. 14 Martha Wolfenstein and Nathan Leites, Movies: A Psychological Study (Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1950), pp. 12-13. 20 Oswald Spengler,The Decline of the West (2 vols.; New York: A. A. Knopf, 1926-28), Vol. I, Introduction.Cf. G. W. F. Hegel, Philosophyof History (New York: Collier& Son, 1900),pp. 61-99, 115-34, 300-302. 21 22 op e Sociology, (November, LIII 1947), 210-18 51SchUcking, cit.,pp. 4-5. op. Politics," ibid., XX (November-December,1935), 161-66. 69 W. Lloyd Warner and WilliamE. Henry,"The 52 Bernard DeVoto, The LiteraryFallacy (BosRadio Daytime Serial: A Symbolic Analysis," ton:Little, Brown Co., 1944). & 53Op Genetic Psychological Monographs, XXXVII (February, 1948), 3-73.