ENG 125: Introduction to Literature
December 19, 2011
Literature Compare and Contrast Stories and poems are both constructed differently and have their own meaning behind them. The authors have underlying messages that they are attempting to convey to the reader using their own characterization, style, setting and rhythm that is essentially used in for the purposes of the narrative. The wonderful thing about poems and stories is that they are created from ones imagination. Through their imagination we are able to use our won imaginations to not only read the storyline that is intended but feel it as well. It allows us to use the literary pieces to create a personal connection with the literature. We use our imaginations to visualize exactly what the author is portraying in his writing; we also use our imaginations to look deeper into the symbolization and the descriptive language in the writing to develop a further connection with the piece. “A Worn Path, “The Road Not Taken” and “Used to Live Here” are three literary pieces that share the same theme but, have different writing styles. The theme behind these literary pieces suggest that the choices and decisions we make, along with our paths in life have barring on how it will end but we control our destiny.
Each literary piece tells of a single journey for example. In the Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, he was able to hint to the reader that the real purpose behind the poem was the importance of the journey that the character was taking. He also used First person narrative which allowed the reader to develop a closeness to the character. This closeness was obtained because the reader is able to visualize the journey and the struggles of the character. While in “A Worn Path”, Eudora Welty uses third person to convey the message in this story. The author uses “she” consistently throughout the story giving the reader a second hand account of the journey. While
References: (Abel E 1979)Abel, E. (1979). Women and Schizophrenia: The Fiction of Jean Rhys. Retrieved from Contemporary Literature Web site: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1207964 (Clungston R W 2010 Journey Into Literature)Clungston, R. W. (2010). Journey Into Literature. San Diego, California: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Eudora Welty (1941) A Worn Path Jean Rhys (1976) Used to Live Here Once Merriam Webster http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/poem Photographic Convention and Story Composition: Eudora Welty 's Uses of Detail, Plot, Genre, and Expectation from "A Worn Path" through "The Bride of the Innisfallen" Harriet Pollack South Central Review , Vol. 14, No. 2 (Summer, 1997), pp. 15-34 Robert Frost (1916) The Road Not Taken