Truth and Differences of Homelessness:
A review of the literature
Homelessness is a subject that has many different views, and opinions. It is a subject that gets little attention and funding in order to broaden its truth and its needs to the public eye. Homelessness is a subject that is a convenient place to put unsolved unwanted social and political problems within our communities. Its depth in our society is not completely known and or understood; therefore its solution continues to be a mystery delayed. The stigmatisms are many and the sad but true community laws, rules, and quick fixes are anything but kind in the mind of a compassionate worker. The research of homelessness doesn 't even begin to reach into the subject in a fair and or complex way; however I will attempt to bring into the light what different truths, and community solutions have been given on the subject of homelessness.
Review of Literature
Just exactly who is a homeless person is a question that keeps surfacing as I review this material. It is not the typical male bum hanging out at the downtown park as many think. The average homeless person is a single mother, about 30 years in age, with possibly two to three children, who may or may not have been homeless at least once before. In 1999 it was estimated that there were about 400,000 homeless families in shelters. In 2001 it was estimated that on any given night there were about 700,000 people homeless. It is clear from the literature that homelessness affects "families" much more than what most people think. Next it is evident that the researchers are trying to understand the many reasons why homelessness occurs. Issues of unemployment, under skilled people in an environment that is demanding much more education and skill than ever before. One article contained the following:
The United States has become a "credential society," in which competition for jobs
References: Hocking, J. (2000). Changing attitudes toward the homeless: The effects of Prosocial Communication with the homeless (Electronic version) Levy, J. (2000). Homeless outreach: On the road to pretreatment alternatives (Electronic version) Lester, H. E. & Pattison, H. M. (2000). Development and Validation of the Attitudes Towards the Homelessness Questionnaire: (Electronic version) Nunz, Ralph. & Fox, Cybelle. (1999). A snapshot of family homelessness across America: (Electronic version) Robert, J. Kelly. (2001). Status Reports on the Homelessness: (Electronic version). Journal of Social Distress and he Homelessness, 1, (3). Washington, Thomas, Alex. (2002). The homelessness need more than a pillar: An evaluation of a transitional housing program: (Electronic version)