History of Management Tanz (2003) provided a brief history of management over the period 1909 to 2001. He notes that despite all the advancement of almost a century we still do not know what quantifies management, and alludes that maybe some theorist in the next century will come along and discover the key to managing. Tanz (2003) accredits Peter Drucker as the most influential and wide ranging management thinker of the 20th century. Drucker’s work is still being used today in many organizations. Tanz (2003) also makes mention of Frederick Winslow Taylor who created “Taylorism” which encouraged management to see employees as replaceable. There was a big change in the late 1920’s to another style of management, which came about from the results of a study known as the “Hawthorne Experiments”. The results revealed that workers were not only motivated by wages. They also needed to have their emotional needs satisfied. Group decision making was introduced in ? and is now the norm at the same time the Human Relations movement was born. According to Tanz (2003) James MacGregor Bruns who is noted for his doctrine on transformational leadership and Robert Greenleaf on his philosophy of servant leaders also were influential in bringing management to where it is today.
Waters (1980) This research paper written while at McGill University looks at the process of management, how managers do their jobs, the behaviors and the skill set required.
This research paper although written for education professionals also covers areas of interest for business professionals.
Leadership Stronge (1998), notes that there is no common definition for leadership. He however cites a definition provided by Warren Bennis from his 1994 publication On Becoming a Leader. Leadership is like beauty it is hard to define, as beauty to one person is not the same to another, however when a person observes beauty or in this case leadership qualities, you realize and
References: Paula J Caproni, & Maria Eugenia Arias. (1997). Managerial skills training from a critical perspective. Journal of Management Education, 21(3), 292-308. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 13170498). Tanz, J. (2003). A Brief History of Management. FSB: Fortune Small Business, 13(8), 54.