If I could go back and choose either to go to an HBCU or attend a PWI I would still choose a PWI. I mostly learned to step outside of my comfort zone and challenge myself to invite new possibilities into my life. This was one of the greatest things I could have learned even though it didn’t come overnight. By letting myself step outside of my comfort zone I met new lifelong friends and also had some of my most memorable moments. I don’t think my experience relates to any of the ‘-isms”. I think my experience relates more on me being afraid of change more than anything. This experience that I went through during the first two years of my college career can help me significantly during my professional career. I feel that this experience can help me better understand where my clients are coming from personally when they might be afraid of change. An example of this could be a domestic assault client is second guessing him or herself on leaving their spouse because they are afraid of change, they are afraid to be on their own because they have always depended on that spouse. I can reach into my personal experiences and let that client know that I too went through a similar dilemma such as theirs and let them know even know they may be scared of change it will help them step outside of their comfort zone which can be truly beneficial in many ways than one.
This experience was a challenging yet eye-opening occurrence. I was in a situation where I could have ran toward the hills scared but instead I faced my fears and pushed forward. I wish I could reach out to all the people that came into a situation feeling “different” than others. I can’t reach everyone and share my personal story but once I become a social worker I can try to reach as many people as possible which would give me the satisfaction I