The fallible nature in which our animals have been treated overseas is revolting and demonstrates total ignorance to how a living thing should be regarded. An investigation into how an indonesian abattoir slaughtered their lives exports from Australia conducted by RSPCA discovered that every single slaughter facility infringed international animal welfare rights and most animals were subject to abuse through eye gouging, tail twisting and kicking. The report also found that cattle experienced an average of 11 cuts to the throat each and half the animals were still conscious up to more than one and a half minutes after their throats had been slashed with a knifed. One animal in particular had been tortured for half an hour before being killed. Whats more, Australian tax-payers money are allowing these places of torture to operate. Australia have successfully installed restraint boxes that allow the animals lives to be spared following brutal tribulation. How can any moral human being be content and stand for this? The way in which the animals that are bread on our soil are treated is a disgrace and this isn't the whole tragedy. The issue concerning animal transport to these importing countries also needs to be addressed and answered by those who allow it to happen and think that it is okay.
Have you ever driven along the freeway and found yourself overtaken by a truck absolutely filled with sheep? Can you possibly imagine the journey from the farm to the abattoir overseas? Not only are the animals subject to inhumane slaughter, the voyage of up to