Implementation Plan
Liverpool city centre, looking north towards Everton with the
Anglican Cathedral in the foreground
Liverpool Knowledge Quarter
5:1 Taking forward the Climax Plan
In which we suggest how the vision for the Knowledge Quarter can be incorporated into the planning system through statutory policy for the area, either an Area Action Plan or a Supplementary Planning
Document. We also suggest a series of planning/development briefs that should be prepared for sites within the area.
Brownlow Hill-Mount Pleasant multi-storey car park and context Establish block structure for remodelling/ replacement of multi-storey and Brownlow
Hill/Mount Pleasant frontages to define building lines that relate to street routes, design and material quality etc. Provide height and massing guidance for a new landmark building at the apex site at the junction of Brownlow Hill to mark the gateway to the Knowledge Quarter.
Norton Street Area
range of actions will require coordination in order to integrate delivery of the strategic aims of the Knowledge Quarter Prospectus and associated Urban Design Framework.
A Steering Group is already in place bringing together the lead stakeholders of Liverpool
Vision, the NWDA, the City Council, Universities and Hospital Trust. These partners are major landowners and funding bodies whose combined influence on the area is decisive to its success.
Outside of this forum, regular discussions on investment strategies are also taking place between the higher education, ecclesiastical and medical institutions, Liverpool Vision and the Local
Planning Authority.
Dialogue with private investors is a core part of Liverpool Vision’s role – pre-application discussions making reference to the Knowledge
Quarter Urban Design Framework will help give guidance to developers around the area. Liverpool
Vision has also supported the Hope Street