Ahmad Azmi Khoirul Umam1)
student faculty of animal husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang 65145,Indonesia
Abstract Embryo transfer technology being implemented and deployed in a remote area aims to assist the government in improving the quality of beef cattle and beef cattle population increase in the area and see the embryo transfer technology deployment model across the district that have been implemented in various daerah. Analysis technical the data used is descriptive qualitative analisadata. conclusions obtained from this research that Embryo Transfer technology deployment models in beef cattle cross border counties that have implemented is to use centralized approach which starts from the central government, the Office of the District farm and beef cattle ranchers. Keywords: deployment, Embryo Transfer, cross the district
Agricultural development programs are livestock sub sector by the government today is Self-Sufficiency Beef 2014, where the purpose of the program is to meet the needs of the animal protein without having to export from abroad. To achieve the program objectives, needs support from various aspects, including the use of appropriate technology tuguna. One technology that dibuthkan in this activity is cattle reproductive technology, this technology can help solve the problem of reproduction to speed up the addition of the cattle population in Indonesia. Technology is one of the key elements in the development of agriculture and livestock activities. Technology or in other words innovation in agriculture, the new findings are the results of science that was created to facilitate the work of human (Anonimous,2009). It describes that everything is new to farmers, although disebahagian specific communities such findings are not new
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