Many people are living on minimum wage realize that is not enough for them to live with, because there are many expenses such as bills of electricity, water, rent or mortgage ... According to huffington post " Despite five years of economic recovery, poverty is still stubbornly high in America." for example how a family with just one child can live and pay a minimum wage to the babysitter? They will spend the same money that they earned. In addition, they try to work overtime to cover this huge gap of spending more than earning. People work all the day sometimes more than 14 hours a day just to survive. They feel as they are just a machine that …show more content…
work all the day for the basic needs . They don't have time to enjoy their life they are on a circle of working-paying, and this is the other face of poverty.
The second problem of minimum wage that cause people to stay in poverty; after the high cost of living is the cost of study. Some workers are tired of this circle work-pay, they hate living paycheck to paycheck . They want to change it by studying, but they are facing another problem which is this minimum wage is not enough to pay their classes, it's not even enough for their food . They want to study but they don't have enough power, all the power that they have is wasted on their job. Everyone knows that with education can get out of this poverty, people stay without any degree that couldn't change or allowed them to move on , to live in a good condition with dignity. This obstacle is dangerous that's how people stay on the line of poverty, also the minimum wage take out from them their time, their life, and their future .
The government should take some crucial decisions to help More than 45 million people are living below poverty line such as raising the minimum wage .
The first benefits for the workers is more money in the pocket, and they will have more time to spend it with their families because they will work the normal hours per day like everyone else . The second one is that raise can help them to get out from debt a little more and keep them happy to be more producer on their life. Also, that help student to pay their college to get a degree to have a new job with a good salary and give place to another one. The third things is boost consumer spending because when they spend more the money then circulate and refresh the economy