If minimum wage was $15.00 dollars per hour, then what about the person that was already making $15.00 dollars per hour and is now paid at minimum wage? More than likely they’ll demand higher pay. As a result the cost of living would increase for all goods and services. This would greatly impact veterans, senior citizens, and the disabled on a fixed income. Most of them struggle to make ends meet as it is. …show more content…
While there are circumstances where people are forced to take jobs at minimum wage, and probably more now than ever. Minimum wage jobs are basically starter jobs for inexperienced workers such as kids in high school, or those looking to add a little extra money through a second job. Minimum wage job are intended to help people move up from there into an intermediate job, and eventually with experience and skills into a very well-paying job. It would be nice if a week of work actually meant everyone who does so, gets a house, a car, and a cell phone, but the reality is those jobs are not intended for these