Skloot’s purpose in writing this book, I believe, is to help out the Lacks family by giving Henrietta credit for the cells that were taken away from her by the Johns Hopkins University hospital. They took away her cells without her being aware. Rebecca also wants to show Henrietta’s family side of this story not only the scientific research that others have done, if this book wasn’t made, then it wouldn’t have helped the Lacks family in any kind of way.
In the book it says how Deborah always got bothered by the way that they didn’t give her mom credit for anything, they didn’t even put her name right on the paper. On page 196 it says, “But what bothered her the most was the fact that so many scientists and journalists around the world continued to call her mother Helen Lane.” As it says in the text that it “bothered” Deborah, this just makes more sense for Rebecca to publish the book since she got really close to Deborah and she wanted to help her in everything that she could. Since Rebecca and Deborah are close it just gives many reasons to write this book in order to help out a friend. Also “Helen Lane” wasn’t her name, so Rebecca may have also wrote this book to make it clear to those journalists or scientists about who the real person behind the HeLa cells is. Rebecca wants to spread the word of what was really behind these cells. The book is giving out information, which can be information for a law suit towards the Johns Hopkins hospital. This can help out the Lacks family by giving them healthcare.
Therefore, Rebecca’s purpose it to mostly help out the Lacks family, since they don’t have any benefit in their mothers HeLa cells. 2. After the Prologue, on a page titled “Deborah’s Voice”, Deborah says, “But I always have thought it was strange, if our mother cells done so much for medicine, how come her family can’t afford to see no doctors? Don’t