Violent video games, violent music lyrics, movies, and cartoons cater to young, impressionable minds and implant value systems which we would consider quite inappropriate in them. Some of these societal influences are the ones that shape a child’s behavior. Insensitivity to the value of life, to ethics, to ethical practices is held in high esteem by the media we encounter every single day of our lives. This passes on to children and invariably they end up believing in things that can lead them to get themselves involved in anti-social activities. The protagonist in a movie might kill a villain and harp about this as a great achievement. Here the value of life is understated and not given due importance. Minor, everyday things like these build up, starting small but growing into something quit big and sinister.…
Rampage, shootings, killing, murder, blood, and gore are all things that people think of when they hear the words, “Video Game.” Video games have quickly taken on the role of being harmful too kids. Could this be true? Crime rates have been on the rise for the last five decades, so we must ask do video games have anything to do with this? Are video games destroying our children? Every time a school shooting happens people look for something to blame. Furthermore, in the more recent decades people have been blaming the violence of video games, for in these games you have weapons that you often use to kill people or other things with. These games have been said to be extremely graphic and aggressive and have many parents worried. However, after reading many essay’s including, “Art Form for the Digital Age,” by Henry Jenkins, and “Do Video Games Kill?” by Karen Sternheimer, I changed the way that I viewed video games. Before reading these essay’s, I felt as if video games had no other purpose but just to be aggressive, but now I see that video games are not all bad, for they are also a form of art, and art is not to blame for children being violent. Therefore, video games do have other purposes and are not completely bad for kids.…
Violent video games allow children to act out violent actions on a type of screen with some type of remote. The violent behavior the act out can be complimented and rewarded with achievements. The reward these kids get may make them feel better about themselves and make them more prone to act out in violent ways and in violent behaviors outside of the game. Kids are mislead by these games by thinking that the violence they are…
Violence is happening all around the world and it is said that one of the biggest reason for violence is playing video games.…
People don’t realize that the violence in video games can cause violence in real life. Not all videogames are violent but the majority of them are getting worse as the years go on. In the past 10 years the death rates caused by videogames has gone up.…
In the literary play, The Cruicible, Authur Miller uses drama to portray the real events of witchcraft. He attempts to show how easily very religios people can be fooled by one another. Logical fallacies are a rhetorical device in which he uses in order to have the effect of showing how believable the characters can be.…
Thousands of teens play violent video games. It is a very large industry in the United States. In 2008, over $11.7 billion was spent on video games and 10 of the top 20 bestselling video games in America involved violence. These violent video games are being blamed for bullying, violence towards women, and school shootings. The games teach children that it is acceptable to solve problems with violence. Violent video games are a large contributor to youth violence.…
In the first passage, the writer claims that sex-education should remain a family matters, that if kids are expose to sex-education at young age could prove detrimental rather than helpful for the children. They reasons that the issues[sex-ed.] at hand “removes family involvement with the children, put kids in an uncomfortable position, stripped any sense of morality, promote promiscuity, and encourages experimentation.” In the passage, I have identified the logical fallacies that the author utilized in their argument: personal attack(ad hominem), slippery slope, perfect argument, false dilemma, and wishful thinking. This argument seems to direct its argument toward a general surgeon about his recommendation about educating kids at young as third grader about sex, a personal attack. Secondly, the writer believes that by teaching kids sex-ed in school, they assumes that there is only consequences from the action[sex-ed.…
A fallacy is an error in reasoning, which differs from factual error in that errors are simply wrong about the facts. A fallacy can occur in any kind of discussion, argument, or reading. For the purposes of this paper, the fallacies discussed will pertain to arguments. A fallacious argument is an argument in which the premises given for the conclusion do not provide the needed degree of support (Atheism Web). Fallacies of distraction attempt to distract from the falsity of an argument by the illegitimate use of logical operators (Stephen 's Guide to Logical Fallacies).…
As a child, I found that my parents seemed to push away all sorts of violent games, no matter how badly I wanted them. It didn’t seem to make sense at first but as I grew older, I saw the younger generation getting addicted to games like these and without doubt, showed a different behaviour and attitude.…
Halo, Call of Duty, and Gears of War are just three of many grossly popular video games today, and they have one main thing in common: violence. Whether one is shooting down Nazi soldiers on the beaches of Normandy or sawing apart Locust drones on the planet Sera with his or her lancer, one is engaging in extremely violent video-game action, and probably having a lot of fun doing so. With the rapid growth of intensely violent games, parents and politicians across the nation have begun to protest against violence in video games and have even gone as far as to say it is the cause of violence in America’s youth. Is this really true? Are video games the problem? Just like the rock and roll movement of the 1950’s being blamed for youth delinquency,…
Example: My doctor told me to stop smoking, but since he smokes I can still…
The video games phenomenon is somewhat new in this modern society. Although they often to be entertaining, the contents have become more violent and disturbing as computing technology has become much more advanced. These days, the popularity of violent video games has caused an increase in controversy. Parents and experts feel that some games are just too violent and they demand the government to regulate the sales of these games. However, I strongly believe violent video games do not cause an increase in aggression in adolescents and the forceful plan by the government is caused by an exaggeration of the effects of violent video games and this plan are indeed pointless.…
* e.g., answering the “What do you mean”, “Tell me more”, “Why”, “How”, “What are they” questions about the primary supports…
Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning, defects that weaken arguments. At first they might seem correct. but if they are examined closely, it is obvious that they are incorrect. Critical thinkers recognize these fallacies in newspapers, advertisements, and other places so they can make good decisions in all areas of their lives. Here are some of the most common fallacies:…