Annemarie thought with contempt. Three years they've been in our country,and still they can't speak our language. "I was racing with my friend,"she answered politely. "We have races at school every Friday, and I want to do well, so …show more content…
I-"Her voice trailed away, the sentence unfinished. Don't talk so much, she told herself. Just answer them, that's all.” (Lowry, 3), is when the two soldiers stopped Annemarie, Ellen, and Krisi. It shows That Annemarie is brave in this quote because they got stopped by two soldiers because they were running, and both Ellen and Annemarie were terrified. Maybe they were terrified because they thought that they were going to get shot just because they were running too fast. And even though that she and Ellen were scared, she became brave when the two soldiers were talking to her. Even Kristi was not scared. Annemarie took the packet from her mother's hand and stood. "I will take it,"she said. "I know the way,and it's almost light now. I can run like the wind." Mamaspoke quickly, her voicetense. "Annemarie, go into the house and get the small basket on the table. Quickly, quickly. Put an apple into it,and some cheese. Put this packet underneath; do you understand? Hurry." (Lowry, 20) is when Annamarie fines that the packet that was supposed to be for Uncle Henerick. It shows that Annamarie is brave because even though that she is unaware of the dangers of the Germans, she goes anyways because she wanted to deliver the packet to Uncle Henrik. Also since it is important for him,Annamaries mom is accepting it because it is really important for her to give the package to Uncle Henerik. She has no choice. And even though there were a lot of Germans lurking around, she didn’t care, all she focused on was to deliver the package to Uncle Henerik. "But,"he went on, as his hands moved with their sure and practiced motion, "I will tell you just a little, because you were so very brave." "Brave?"Annemarie asked, surprised.
"No, I wasn't. I was very frightened." "You risked your life." "But I didn'teven think about that! I was only thinking of—" He interrupted her, smiling. "That's all that brave means—not thinking about the dangers. Just thinking about what you must do. Of course you were frightened. I was too, today. But you kept your mind on what you had to do. So did I. Now let me tell you about the Rosens.” (Lowry, 136) is kind of similar of what I have said on the last paragraph. It shows that Annamarie is brave because, well, Uncle Henerick says it in the book. Annamarie was brave because Annamarie risked her life just to give Mr. Rosen the package. (Inside the package was a handkerchief that attractives dogs but when the dogs smell it then, the back off.) And Uncle Henerick says to Annamarie that brave meaning not thinking about the dangers. Just thinking about what you must do. And that is what Annamarie was. She was not aware of the dangers. She was just focused on getting the job
done. Annamarie shows that bravery is important because if you are not brave then you accomplish less things in your life. Without bravery, Not only that Annamarie but she helped escaped the jews from the Natzis. Also without bravery, you will not have the courage to accomplish the really important goals in your life. You also need bravery because Also you need bravery in your life because without it then you are just not brave.