Professor R. Walsh
English 102
February 22, 2013
THE WAY TO GET TRAPPED FOR LIFE I Do. The two words that literally means, “Ha-ha, you fell for it. I got you now”. Poor kids, Marriage is a surefire way to lose your mind. It all starts with a ring and then from that point on its downhill. Men lives get a hundred times worse. Even women must go through the hell of the husband making life a hundred times worse. Well let’s just say marriage should be avoided at all cost. Let’s start with the women, ladies first right. The things that the wife must put up with now, making a list would be pointless. However allow me to make the point. Most men are, dirty, sloppy, leaves the seat up, don’t cook: sadly, snore, and let’s not forget forgetful. Nevertheless men have a love that is unconditional, and will protect what is there’s so at least feel safe ladies. Oh Lord where to start men. The things men must put up from their wives; it’s a list that can go on forever. The woman married to the man see, she complains about any and everything, she always have to have the last word, she must know where her husband is at all times of the day, and when things get to serious she basically turns into a whole other creature. Like something demonic. I could go on but I wouldn’t want to butcher one side more than the other. Marriage isn’t something that normally goes wrong. It starts to go wrong once one of the spouses gets bored or unhappy with their other half. Then they try to say the marriage by reading books like, “Think Like A Man”. Then when things go sour that’s when the spouse brings other people into the equation. Adding gas to an already lite fire, it’s inevitable what comes next. The cheating, arguments, fighting, emotional break downs, and then separation if so lucky tears the love and relation apart. So marriage isn’t the best thing to do in life, however if you’re looking for the experience of a life time go on, Get Trapped.