London 1981:
After World War II the population was in decline die to people moving out fro a quieter life.
Unemployment was at 60% amongst adult males.
After the docks closed 10,000 people were put out of work
Before London’s docklands had been UK’s largest manufacturing area of 1970s.
Lost 16% of population due to counter urbanisation.
Causes of the decline
1. London experienced net out migration and this is known as counter urbanisation.
2. This happened due to:
Clearance of slums and bombed areas during world war II
The creation of new towns such as Stevenage only up to 50km out of London. These were designed for the over spill of London due to the slum clearance.
Due to the introduction of London’s greenbelt in 1947, which restricted further development of suburban areas. People had to move further away, this protected London’s surrounding countryside. This resulted in villages and towns surrounding London grew rapidly.
In these surrounding towns population grew very rapidly as towns and villages purely leap frogged the green belt and grew beyond it. Many of these people were commuters due to cheaper property and better environment.
In 1980s primary (mining) and secondary (manufacturing) industries were more expensive in the UK than overseas.
UK wages were higher than overseas therefore making British products more expensive.
The growth in Asia’s cheaper goods lead to more imported goods.
Due to this many mines and manufacturers closed during this time, this caused DE- INDUSTRIALISATION.
This caused huge unemployment both in the East of London and the midlands.
London being a major centre of light industry with 33% of labour force working in manufacturing although that has changed to 2010 with on 10%.
To replace lost employment, Margaret Thatcher and the government planned changes to the UK economy to encourage a POST INDUSTRIAL