* Distance learning can seem daunting at first glance, but once you have taken the time to understand how it works you may find that it can be a better option than the typical brick and mortar school. Distance learning is most recently done via the internet. You can go online and log into the student portal to access your classrooms. This can be done on your own time, whenever you have the availability. Most of your class work is done through asynchronous communication. In other words, your fellow classmates and professors are in different locations and communicate through threaded discussion and email. As part of your course work, you will be required to respond to discussion questions in the main forum. As part of your attendance, you must post at least twice to these discussion questions. In order to make your participation grade you must also respond to other classmates’ posts twice on at least four different days. Your initial response to the discussion question does not count towards your participation grade, so it is very important to keep track of your posts. You will also have required reading to complete and individual assignments due throughout your classes. Your professor will give feedback on your assignments in your individual forum.…
Distance Learning: Distance learning is in many ways self-directed learning. It requires a high level of responsibility, dedication, and self-discipline on the part of the students. In this course, you are responsible for your own work, your own progress, and your own grade. In order to succeed, you need to back up every piece of work you do on disk and make a hard copy. If you experience computer difficulties you are responsible for solving your own technical problems. Heavy internet use occurs during the evening hours of 8-10pm. You might consider logging on at other times if possible.…
Online course—An online course is a course that is offered over the Internet. Typically, content is presented through web pages and class discussions using a combination of email, mailing lists, bulletin boards, chat rooms, or newsgroups. All class meetings, assignments, lectures and assessments are online (with the exception of orientation meetings or other face-to-face examinations as determined by the professor).…
Dr. Mary Jane Clerkin explains how Berkeley College adopted that distance learning program to help those students who work and want to complete they degree. She also states “There are other advantages as well. Unlike onsite class lectures, which are over at the end of class, online lectures are posted permanently”.…
“Can You Be Educated from a Distance,” an insightful essay by James Barszcz, brings to focus some of the benefits and disadvantages of Distance Learning education (DL). In it, Barszcz discusses the mechanics of DL courses available to students, the quality of education DL can offer, and some reasoning behind its rapidly growing popularity. “Can You Be Educated from a Distance” is an engaging article that students of all ages can benefit from.…
Distance learning is a great way to get a degree and still stay in the comfort of your own home. It is easy to work into your hectic schedule because there is no set time that you have to be online and all you need is a basic knowledge of the internet. There are a few basic requirements, such as participating in threaded discussions and giving feedback to your fellow students. Threaded discussions take place thru what is known as asynchronous communication. Asynchronous communication is defined as a “Form of communication in which participants use technology to share communication, wherein each participates at a different place and time, and face-to-face interaction does not occur. Often refers to distance learning interactions, e-mail, etc.” These discussions are part of your participation grade, and are led by your instructor. You will also have weekly assignments to complete and post on the electronic forum for your teacher to review and grade. All of your assignments are on the University website and broken down into what you will be doing week by week. There are other great features to the online campus at University of Phoenix. You have access to the student library, student labs, workshops, and community forums all which are geared to help you succeed.…
Gupta, Rajeev K., and Simon A. Lei. "College distance education courses: evaluating benefits and costs from institutional, faculty and students' perspectives." Education130.4 (2010): 616. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. Retrieved from http://ic.galegroup.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/ic/ovic/AcademicJournalsDetailsPage/AcademicJournalsDetailsWindow?…
Traditionally, distance learning provided instructional programs through the use of prepackaged text, audio, and video courses sent to physically isolated students. These initial programs provided very limited interaction between the student and the instructor. With advances in communication technology and the innovation of the educational community, distance learning has become more interactive between the student and the instructor. The new online programs incorporate student collaboration with other students providing a classroom environment for the asynchronous learning community.…
Distance Education is about you taking your education to another level of learning, without having your professor right in front of you teaching you the material, to get that degree. It’s about having to learn sitting in front of a computer based. It helps you to understand the potential you have to get it, to receive it.…
When choosing a college or university, one of the top factors that are looked at is price and it 's no secret that college is expensive. Whether or not one is paying in-state tuition or out-of-state tuition, it 's not inexpensive. And with the tough economical times bestowed upon America, if people are looking to cut back and control spending, online courses may be the right way to go. For example, as cited in the article, East Carolina offers an on-line undergraduate…
Distance education has become one of the more prominent forms of study due to the ever-changing technology offered to this modern era of students; Technology has thoroughly improved academic success. Distance education has a glorious history that can be traced back to its roots in the early 1840’s. “It was Sir Issac Pitman, the English inventor of shorthand, who in 1840 devised his concept to offer education courses by mail, who, in a historical sense, ushered in the first phase of distance education (Matthews, 1999).” Since scholars have been implementing this form of study it has gone by various monikers such as: postal correspondence courses, independent study, off campus study, outreach education, and mostly recently online education. The one concept that all of these various names have in common are that the student is able to conduct studies over a distance. The technology has come a long way to allow these various forms, from simply mailing books and coursework in its induction, to audio classes and instructional videos in the mid 1900’s, and finally to online coursework in the post millennium.…
Lei, Simon A. and Rajeev K. Gupta. “College Distance Education Courses: Evaluating Benefits and Costs from Institutional, Faculty and Students’ Perspectives.” Education, vol. 130, no. 4, Summer2010, pp. 616-631. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=tfh&AN=50839014&site=ehost-live.…
Over the past years the desire to obtain an online degree has increased. Although many adults want the flexibility in scheduled online courses has to offer, many technical problems arise with online classes as many middle aged parents or full time employees take a chance with online classes. They are prepared for the online problems that will arise such as software errors. Traditional classes require the use of a heavy and bulky textbook and the courses are not as flexible as online classes, you are offered e-books and are not required to keep attendance and commute between campuses.…
The online course is a new phenomenon in education that allows students to take courses online, or through a computer database a school might offer. In this manner, students can learn at their own rate, and not have to physically answer to a professor in a typical classroom situation. This innovation allows students who may have families, or other obligations, to get degrees from home. However, there is little supervision that would be imparted to the student, as he or she takes the required testing or written projects through email online.…
It is basically credit-granting courses or education training delivered primarily via the Internet to students at remote locations, including their homes. The Online courses may or may not be delivered synchronously. An online course may need that students and teachers meet once or periodically in a physical setting for lectures, labs, or exams, so long as the time spent in the physical setting does not exceed 25 percent of the total course time. Online education encompasses various degrees and courses. Through online education, one can opt for many online degrees or online courses from various online universities which provide this facility.…