ONLINE: Summer 2015
2 credits
Course Time and Location: Online; everything will be accessed via Blackboard
Instructor: Sarah Hilgers-Greterman Office: EML 351H Office Phone: 701-231-8494
Required Materials:
1. Text/ebook: Liguori, G. & Carroll-Cobb, S. (2015). Questions and Answers: A guide to fitness and wellness (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
a. McGraw-Hill Connect (access comes with the textbook or can be purchased online)
2. Internet: Reliable Access to Internet (Firefox/Mozilla)
Course Description:
There are two components to this course: lecture and activity. This class provides facts about exercise, physical fitness, nutrition and other areas of wellness. The purpose of this course is to educate students about the six dimensions of wellness with particular emphasis on physical wellness.
Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the students will be able to…
Understand that improving their overall wellness can greatly improve the quality of their lives.
Become fit and well in a comfortable, non-judgmental environment.
Make healthy choices and have the tools necessary to address problematic target behaviors.
Discuss the six dimensions of wellness and how they affect overall health.
Course Policies:
Distance Learning: Distance learning is in many ways self-directed learning. It requires a high level of responsibility, dedication, and self-discipline on the part of the students. In this course, you are responsible for your own work, your own progress, and your own grade. In order to succeed, you need to back up every piece of work you do on disk and make a hard copy. If you experience computer difficulties you are responsible for solving your own technical problems. Heavy internet use occurs during the evening hours of 8-10pm. You might consider logging on at other times if possible.
Difficulty with assignments should be discussed