The adult might not want to explain how the child got the bruises or how they fractured their bone. The abuser might show aggression to a child or is overly aggressive. There might be the result of behavioral issues from a child. The child might show aggression peers, pets, or other animals. The child might be afraid of other adults or parents, wears long sleeves out of season, or shows immaturity and acting-out. A child may have difficulty walking or sitting due to bruises and beatings. Being able to recognize the physical effects of abuse can be critical in identifying an abusive situation and taking steps to protect a child from further abuse and neglect. However, there are times when a perpetrator is careful not to leave marks or injuries that are visible so that the cause is not …show more content…
Trouble controlling emotions or social difficulty are common signs of child abuse. Learning disabilities and anxiety are also results of emotional child abuse. A child may later deal with difficulty concentrating, difficulty connecting with others, trouble sleeping at night, or depression. There might be signs of emotionally abusive behavior in the parent. The adult might ignore, criticize, yell at he child, or blame them. The parent might “play favorites” with the siblings (“The Issue of Child Abuse”). The abuser might also have an untreated mental illness or alcoholism. Child abuse can be caused by many different things. I found that most children that were abused as a child often become abusive adults. Approximately 28.3 percent of adults report being physically abused as a child, and 10.6 percent of adults report being emotionally abused as a child. This situation is better known as “the cycle of abuse” says Tollefson